Does Friend Complete You?


Created by : Diah Zhagarany.

         Having a friend is just like a puzzle,you will not have a complete shape. When you lost one of them. Having a friend is a choice. You can share your problems,study together,crying or laughing,till shopping together and etc. She or He will always stand up besides you. Support behind your effort.

         In the fact,a life is never flat “Chitato”. A problem comes,it makes you stronger than before. Someday you will face different statement or argument with your friend. It could be broke your great relationship with him or her. For example bullying or mocking each other.  A part of that,no one can live lonely,because we are social human. Having different argument,it will make you know your friend so well and solid. How can you dont have any friend in your life after and before the end of your life? Every body needs friends,cause of that a friend completed you! Lets love our friends.

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